Knitted & Textured Waistcoats 2

Having acquired some knitted waistcoats over Christmas I’ve been enjoying them over the past few weeks.  With the cold snap we have been having across Britain over the last week or two it has been useful to have an extra knitted layer for the 15-20 minute walk to and from work. 

Even better, once in the office, they aren’t quite as warm as a jumper or cardigan because they are sleeveless.  So in the transition to a warmer temperature they are great too. So much have I been enjoying them that I have already broken my planned year-long wardrobe building sabbatical, and bought an additional knitted waistcoat in oatmeal to add to the ones I already have in green and navy.  As it was only a tenner I don’t feel too badly about it.

Zalando Peter Werth Waistcoat

So what’s so great about them? Here are my top 7:

  1. That they are waistcoats rather than sleeveless cardigans means they are shorter and finish at the waist rather than below the hips.  Not only is this a neater fit it also reduces the amount of fabric around the waist and so makes the midriff look slightly less portly. Always a good thing for those of us fighting off a potbelly….
  2. Knitted waistcoats are effectively tailored cardigans so they can dress down an ensemble. However, that they can transform a suit into a three-piece means they can also dress up an ensemble, especially worn with appropriate accessories. Such versatility is hard to come by.
  3. They allow the injection of a contrasting or complementary colour into a suit. One of mine is in forest green, which has been an interesting experiment.  Green is not a colour I have a great deal of experience with so it has been fascinating to explore what a little splash of green can do to an ensemble.River Island Shawl Brown Waistcoat
  4. Knitted or textured waistcoats facilitate layering, which, especially at this time of year, is not just a stylish thing to do, it also performs the useful function of increasing warmth. Plus, waistcoats can have a slimming effect to the eye, as long as you are not obviously bulging out of yours….
  5. Waistcoats provide additional pockets which are easily accessible.  Great for train tickets etc, when travelling.
  6. If you are wearing braces, but don’t wish them to be on display when you open or remove your jacket, a waistcoat covers a multitude of sins.
  7. As Dr Who says about bow ties, waistcoats are cool…


You might want to look into it…. Next & T M Lewin might be good places to find knitted waistcoats, though you will have to move fast; knitted waistcoats are winter season items and these stores are already looking to their Spring collection.

What do you think?