Fast Report: Breaking Fast

It’s been some time since my last fast report. It’s long overdue.

The good news is that I continued the fast until the end of June as planned.  Apart from my purchase of some non-iron Chinos in April, offset by the return of a Blazer purchased last year, I avoided making any wardrobe purchases for the first 6months of of this year as planned. The good news is that I’m still wearing clothes during the fast, just not purchasing them…kipper_03_bsn_0401_030aFeeling really quite pleased about that outcome.  It’s the first time since I began consciously wardrobe building in 2008 that I’ve gone for that length of time without making wardrobe purchases.

At times that was quite a difficult thing to maintain.  There were some attractive possibilities that i simply had to pass up on. Most of the time though it was a refreshing thing to concentrate on the wardrobe that I already had rather than the one that I didn’t.  Clearly there was also a financial benefit to my self-imposed fast.

We had an expensive summer holiday to the States planned, so the extra cash was especially welcome, though this hardly the primary point of the fast.TML WallHaving got to July and with some time in the US pending I decided that I would break my fast for the months of July and August to coincide with my time on holiday.  That my birthday falls within that time period meant it also felt right to be able to treat myself in that period.

Plus there are some cool stores in the US to which I don’t have easy access in the UK. So to be on a self-imposed fast whilst on the other side of the pond didn’t seem very clever, or realistic, to be honest.  I’ll blog more about US Style in later posts

From 1 September my fast resumes until the end of the year.  I’ll keep you updated about how I get on.

What do you think?